Monday, December 14, 2009

Take Your Medicine

Alright today is monday and It's going actually ok today...
I was feeling pretty rough this weekend but I'm getting to the point
I don't care so much that I have a good day..
maybe I'm becoming a yes man
I'm not
We are editing videos and working on games at the same exact time
I don't know how we can juggle that but I guess they think we are superman
just one giant superman...
NEWSFLASH! We aren't
Show this saturday in Summersville...can't wait!

Quote Of The Day

"I can resist everything except temptation.My body breaks, I'm intact inside.My human instinct, I can love unconditionally."


Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm So Sick...

I've had it with all of this.
For some reason this class stresses me more than it should.
Everytime I step through the door
even if i don't speak my classmates and teachers say things to me about me.(negative things)
They might say I'm over reacting but lately I don't trust anyone, I don't beleive anyone, and I don't want to listen to people that all they do is put me down. It's not just in this class it's outside of school. No matter how much hard work and effort I put into something it doesn't matter to most people.

I'm done
I'm finished
I'm starting to be pushed over my limit with everything.

"Stay silent, please for now and let me move on, I'm so tired of playing these games with my heart, I've been around the world and back for you."

-A Day To Remember

Monday, December 7, 2009

Seconds To The End What's Gonna Be Pull The Trigger

Another checking in with the blog.
We presented our ideas for games a while back,but lately we are working on videos.
Our team is cutting and editing as I speak.
The video is going to be based upon Cell phone policies in school and telling students they shouldn't text while in class while trying to get an education.
I had a pretty good weekend.
I hung out with my girlfriend and just hung out with friends, had a regular friday night..:)
Updated the wikis and even found an old friend to message from a different school.
Band practice today..time to get low with autumn sunrise.

Quote of the Day

"When The Sun and Moon Collide...We'll See you in hell."

-It Dies Today