Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm So Sick...

I've had it with all of this.
For some reason this class stresses me more than it should.
Everytime I step through the door
even if i don't speak my classmates and teachers say things to me about me.(negative things)
They might say I'm over reacting but lately I don't trust anyone, I don't beleive anyone, and I don't want to listen to people that all they do is put me down. It's not just in this class it's outside of school. No matter how much hard work and effort I put into something it doesn't matter to most people.

I'm done
I'm finished
I'm starting to be pushed over my limit with everything.

"Stay silent, please for now and let me move on, I'm so tired of playing these games with my heart, I've been around the world and back for you."

-A Day To Remember


  1. Xavier, I am sorry you feel this way. Sometimes when you are feeling down, things going on around you may seem worse than you think or you may read into someone's comments what you THINK they said rather than what they really said.---Sounds crazy to me too. You are doing a great job this year, but I think you are experiencing growing pains in the "professional development and maturity" department. Being able to work in a group setting can be difficult in a job arena; and therefore, extremely difficult sometimes to a teenager. Don't take things so hard and give us all a chance. If I have offended you, I apologize, it was definitely not my intention. I want the best for each and every student I have contact with. Look for brighter days, okay? Ms.LEEF

  2. I hope today is going better for you, that was a really harsh posting in so far as you sounding like you are at the end of your rope. What you have to realize that quite often you guys (students in class) razz on each other and we (teachers) don't know if you are serious or not. If we say something to you, then we usually get the response that 'I was just kidding'. It is hard to tell the difference sometimes. I might stay on your back about doing more, striving more, producing more; only because I KNOW YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING SOOOO MUCH! If I didn't care, I would just let you coast along. Try not to take what others say so much to heart. It's usually not meant to make you feel bad, some people just like to entertain others and they think that is a way to 'get points'. I'm here if you want a sounding board without judgement.
